There are certain remarkable qualities that makes an artist exceptionally outstanding from the pool of artists. PMI isn't just setting the record straight on his versatility but he's also doing this effortlessly. Which totally leaves me reconsidering this rapper to be the new definition of determination and persistence. ACCOLADES is a lyrically packed song inspired by the trending accolades. Don't know about y'all but indeed PMI deserves some *ACCOLADES* .



After PMI categorically stated in his interview with #the city watch magazine# that he's got a trunk-full of incredible music to roll out simultaneously. Believe me he wasn't playing around.  With just little to be said for now "the phantom killer" as he popularly calls himself is starting off with "oh my gush" a killer cover to the trending "nowo". Stay put he says as he's got plans of serving his fans with unimaginable tunes. This is just a feel to what i got coming (in his words).